Endocrine System Support

The endocrine system consists of glands that secretes hormones to support a variety of functions in the body. The thyroid gland, pituitary glands or master glands, adrenal gland, pineal gland, and all other endocrine glands all play a role in distributing the different hormones that control how our body reacts to different situations. These types of hormones range from the thyroid hormone, that is a key to your metabolism, the development of your body and growth in children; to sex hormones, that affect sexual devolopment and repoduction. These hormones can affect your nervous system, immune system, heart rate, blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood vessels. Having a strong endocrine system can help you avoid being sick, but you can have a “stress infection”, which is caused when you have too much stress hormones that it compromises your immune system.